Wednesday, November 12, 2008

New Music and Old Pictures

I bought David Archuleta's CD yesterday and track 9 called, "With You" kept reminding me of how lucky we were/are to have found Devin and be allowed to adopt and seal him to our family. So....for me that means....SLIDESHOW TIME!

I totally LOVE David's CD and I ABSOULUTELY LOVE Devin so these pics and David's song are a perfect match for me! The pics are a combination of Devin's adoption day in Aug. of 06, the temple sealing day in July of 07, the celebration dinner at Joe's Crab Shack after the temple sealing, and fun times with his cousins, Ben and Tucker. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. :D


Hay said...

This brings tears to my eyes.
You have a great family!!!

Tina said...

That was a great video! You sure do have a wonderful family! :)

Carolyn said...

Music has such a way of enhancing the beauty of life. Sweet and powerful!

Elizabeth said...

Wow! Powerful Toni. Thanks for a good afternoon cry. What a difference a year makes!!!

Gary and Ellie said...

Hey, that was awesome.

Beth Borup said...

Handsome kid! Awesome video and music. Love your blog background :) - we're twins!