Sunday, November 23, 2008

My Nemesis

nem⋅e⋅sis /ˈnɛməsɪs/ [nem-uh-sis] –noun
1. Something that a person cannot conquer, achieve, etc.
2. An opponent or rival whom a person cannot best or overcome.
3. Classical Mythology. The goddess of divine retribution.
4. An agent or act of retribution or punishment.

This is my nemesis in the house! Oh sure, it may look all clean and innocent now, but you should have seen it a few hours ago! And...the minute I fix my hair again will be dirty all over again. Not to mention, this pic. shows only half of my nemesis!!!! This mirror is actually double that size, continuing on to my shower, taking up the entire west wall of my bathroom!!! Who's BRILLIANT idea was that???

As if the hairspray, flat iron smoother spray and Lysol disenfecting spray don't wreak enough havoc on their own, just look where the sink is! Any little splash of water, toothpaste rinse, mouthwash rinse and/or liquid soap bubbles, splatter right up on to the mirror every day!

This mirror is only 100% clean for about 30 seconds every 2-3 months! I just can't stand to clean the monstrocity every single day, just to have it covered with spots, splatters and spray remnants the next day! P.S. The 80's called...they want their mirror and their lights back!!!


Gary and Ellie said...

Aren't dirty mirrors and bathrooms why we have children?

Amanda said...

I feel your pain!!!

Elizabeth said...

LOL!!! (i'm sure you get tired of this being my reply, but you totally make me LOL at nearly every post.)