Saturday, September 27, 2008

Weight Loss and Baptism Quilts

Thanks to Shelby's blog (I stole both of these from her blog spot..."snazzalicious") I was able to find a couple of pics that might show a bit of my weight loss...45 pounds. The pic. on the top also shows part of Devin's baptism quilt that he got last year for his eighth birthday, which is the same style of quilt we are working on for Cathryn in the bottom pic.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Cathryn's Baptism Quilt

Well, I'm sure the kids won't be too happy about this picture as it was taken at least 3 years ago in Amy's front yard, but I wanted to find a pic. of Cathryn (far right in front) to show that it's finally her turn to get her baptism quilt from grandma! Ian, Devin and Kayla already have theirs.
We love you Cathryn!

Be sure to watch the slide show of the family coloring the squares for her quilt today. We had a great time! We also celebrated James' and Monte's birthdays, with Hawaiian Haystacks, cake and ice cream.

(Carolyn, I'll leave it up to you to decide if you want her to see a few of her quilt squares or not)

Baptism Quilt Tradition Lives On

Friday, September 19, 2008

Stolen Car Has Been Found

Wow!!! Can you believe it? We got a phone call from the police on Tuesday evening saying saying they had located our car. It was at an apartment complex just off 4100 South and 300 East. Apparently the theif who stole it from our driveway sold it to a buddy of his for $1500.00. He didn't have a key to give his buddy and when the buddy tried to call back the theif with some questions he had about the car, the theif had already disconnected his phone. The buddy got a little nervous and called the police to say that he might have some stolen property and sure was our car!

There wasn't much damage to the car at all, just a cut seatbelt on the front passenger side, a low back tire and 1000 extra miles on it.

The policeman asked us if we wanted to help pay for the keys the guy had made for the car because he was out $1500 plus another hundred to have the keys made! Am I the only one who thinks that is a bit over the top???

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Eryn's Sophmore Picture

Since she remembered to bring us a school picture this year, I just thought it would be fun to share with you. The school takes their pictures at registration so the kids get to be ready for a school picture at registration -2 weeks before school starts. The best part is, we already have her school pictures back after just 3 weeks of school!

Beautiful girl inside and out!!!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Wii Fit

We finally broke down and bought the Wii Fit! It really seems to have a lot of different exercises and activities in four categories: Strength Training, Aerobics, Yoga and Balance Games.
Maybe our couch potato lives are going to take a hit in the ole' hind-end. There's something for everyone to enjoy. We're hoping this will be a fun route to physical fitness and an active way to play our Nintendo Wii.
When I get my camera back I'll post some pics of us "working out!"

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Stolen Car

Well...this isn't exactly fun news to be posting on our blog, but yes, Roger's car was stolen right out of our driveway last night!!! He discovered it when he went to go to work this morning at 5:40 a.m. It wasn't too hard for the theif to steal it since Roger left the key in the ignition! He's been having a problem with the tumbler in his ignition. Sometimes when he tries to turn the car off, the key won't go all the way back to the "off" position and the key won't come out of the ignition. If he leaves it alone for 5 -10 min. it will usually turn completely off and then the key will come out of the ignition. He went back to check the ignition once last night, but the key still wouldn't release. After checking once he forgot to go back and check later on. Slowly but surely the theives have been making off with quite a bit of loot from our house. So far our stolen items are: an old bike, a lawnmower, a lawn trimmer (weed whacker), a skateboard and now a car. Somebody is definitely watching....

Monday, September 1, 2008


Being a teacher's family has its advantages. Here we are eating leftovers from an icecream party my 5th graders earned last Friday. Everybody LOVES these kind of leftovers!!!

(It's a good thing the icecream was not in the basement freezer because somebody...who's name starts with a "D" and ends with an "N", left the freezer door open over night...yep, 24 hours was long enough! So... we spent Labor Day dejunking, defrosting and de-grounded for not paying closer attention to details.)

No School Today

Pancake Breakfast

There we are in all of our "morning glory." That means "shower hair," p.j.'s and everything! (I'm trying to let go and just go with the flow)