Sunday, January 25, 2009

Settlers Mania

We are addicted to this AWESOME game!!! Monte turned us on to the game and since Christmas, we have probably played this 2-3 hour game at least 5 times each week. Most Saturdays we have played 1-2 games. It has done wonders at bringing our family together for some good quality playing time.
Settlers of Catan is a multiplayer board game designed by Klaus Teuber. It was first published in 1995 in Germany. Settlers was the first German-style board game to achieve popularity outside Europe. Over 11 million games in the Catan series have been sold, and the game has been translated into twenty-five languages from the original German. The game has rapidly become popular in part because its mechanics are relatively simple, while its dynamics are quite complex. The game is well suited for family play, since no one gets eliminated, and players who are behind can strive towards goals that are within their reach.

Report Card Time

2nd term report cards came home last week and Devin earned another "STELLAR" report in 4th grade!
He earned straight A's in all his academic classes, straight "H's" in his citizenship, and straight "E's" (for Excellence) in his Gifted and Talented pull-out program.
We are very proud of Devin and his efforts to be the best student he can be!
Love ya, son...mmwwaahhh!!!

Things That Make You Go Hmmmm....

Have you ever come home to find strange, unidenti-
fiable food items sitting on your kitchen counter?

Because my husband went to Taiwan on his mission, I have come home to many suprises over the years. Here are just a few of the items that have shown up recently.
To me, the top pic. looks like some kind of leafy vegetable stem, but if you look really close, the supermarket label reads "MEAT DEPARTMENT!" What is that supposed to mean? Hmmmm......

Clearly this is some kind of drink, I mean it looks like the same kind of can you might find a Diet Pepsi in, right?! Maybe it wouldn't be so scary if Icould read Chinese, but by looking at the picture on the center can I can't imagine that I would pick that up and drink it...would you? The can on the right reads, "Basil Seed Drink." Oh, that's better! Sounds delicious right?! Hmmmm......

Once again, being able to read Chinese would be very helpful. Two items that obviously came from the "real" meat department, but they don't have to be refrigerated? Sounds suspicious to me. What do you think? Hmmmm......

Has anyone seen these items floating around your kitchen or pantry? No??? Hmmmm......

Thursday, January 22, 2009

My Dad's Demolition Derby

I'd like to be posting some good news after having to put the family dog to sleep last week, but it seems we're not quite there yet! Take a look at my dad's truck after his accident on Monday morning.

The inversion meant a foggy drive to work for people along the Wasatch Front on Monday. In Utah County, it resulted in a big traffic mess that resulted in I-15 being closed along a five-mile stretch for more than four hours.

Southbound I-15 in Utah County was closed at MP 260, south of Spanish Fork due to a crash just before 9:00 Monday morning. It started out when two semi trucks collided, (my dad was driving the red Semi) and within moments there were three other accidents. In all, seven vehicles were involved as drivers scrambled to slow down or get out of the way of the accident ahead.
No one was seriously hurt, but one person (MY DAD) was taken to the hospital for cuts and bruises.

At the time of the accident, visibility wasn't much better than a quarter of a mile. At freeway speeds, it can be difficult to safely slow down or stop if there is an incident ahead. Just before noon, even with much improved visibility, there was another crash where the traffic was being diverted. It wasn't until after 1:00 in the afternoon that UHP had the freeway reopened.

Dad went into the fog driving only40 mph. He was met with a split second decision to take out the silver car with people inside, AND the cab of the jackknifed Harper truck with the driver inside. Instead he chose to put his truck and his life on the line and went up the other side of the Harper truck to avoid all of the me, a true HERO! Dad was the only person taken to the hospital. The EMT's insisted after seeing the condition of his Semi. They didn't know how someone could have managed to be unharmed in that mess. The only thing really messed up was his truck. He only had a cut on his finger that required three stitches and wasn't sure he needed an ambulance ride for that. A testimony of prayer for all of us! Dad could actually feel a higher power guiding his truck to a softer landing than he anticipated.

Here's a link to the news story from KUTV:

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Goodbye Old Friend

My little brother, Monte, had to do a very brave and difficult thing yesterday. He took the family dog, who has been around since Monte was 3 years old, to the humane society to be put to sleep. Missy's been with the family for about 17 years so that would make her somewhere between 100-120 in dog years.

Missy was starting to look her age and have many health problems i.e., loosing her fur, her hearing, her zest for life and she had a terrible cough that was keeping her up most of the night. She also recently developed a growth on her chest that was changing the shape of her back and made it painful for her to walk. She's had many brushes with death over the years. She was reported to the pound by the mailman 4 different times because she was so "FEROCIOUS" that he wouldn't drop off the mail while she was barking (the mailbox had to be moved out to the street because of her), she was hit by a car one time while she was out with Monte on his paper route, she'd gotten into some anti-freeze one time, she began dragging her back legs as if she'd had a stroke one year and yet she still kept on going. She's been like a cat with nine lives. Mom and Liz offered to go with Monte and give him some moral support at the humane society, but he wanted to go alone. Liz was able to give quiet support in the back yard as Monte said his goodbyes and laid Missy's body in the ground to rest.

Monte chose to bring Missy back home to bury her in her favorite
"barking & treat sneaking" corner of the yard. She would always run out there to bark at and with the other dogs. Eventually we found out the neighbors (Walt & Pacita Miles) were giving her treats and snacks from the other side of the fence. It looks like Missy fooled us all and had the neighbors trained to feed her on command.

The humane society gave Monte a thoughtful poem to bring home and read every now and then which tenderly reads that Missy will be running and playing in a better place now, but every so often she will look back longingly, wondering where her longtime pal is. She will wait for Monte at the rainbow bridge and when they meet again, she will remember him, run to him, jump up and down and they will cross the rainbow bridge together.

Missy 1992-2009
Goodbye, Old Friend. We will miss you!!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Favorite Holiday Activities

I asked my family what they most look forward to during the Christmas Holidays. They all said, "Being together with family." So I asked them to pick the next thing they look forward to the most and here's what they all said (including me):

Roger -Putting together 2-3 puzzles

Toni (me) -Learning and playing all kinds of new games.

Ariel -(other than being with or texting Anthony) Catching up with cousins, exploring new video games and sleeping in!

Eryn -loves the "friendly" competion of all the activities going on. (She's extremely competitive!!!)

Devin -No suprise, loves all the parties, places and events to go together!

New Year's Eve with Family

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