Sunday, January 25, 2009

Things That Make You Go Hmmmm....

Have you ever come home to find strange, unidenti-
fiable food items sitting on your kitchen counter?

Because my husband went to Taiwan on his mission, I have come home to many suprises over the years. Here are just a few of the items that have shown up recently.
To me, the top pic. looks like some kind of leafy vegetable stem, but if you look really close, the supermarket label reads "MEAT DEPARTMENT!" What is that supposed to mean? Hmmmm......

Clearly this is some kind of drink, I mean it looks like the same kind of can you might find a Diet Pepsi in, right?! Maybe it wouldn't be so scary if Icould read Chinese, but by looking at the picture on the center can I can't imagine that I would pick that up and drink it...would you? The can on the right reads, "Basil Seed Drink." Oh, that's better! Sounds delicious right?! Hmmmm......

Once again, being able to read Chinese would be very helpful. Two items that obviously came from the "real" meat department, but they don't have to be refrigerated? Sounds suspicious to me. What do you think? Hmmmm......

Has anyone seen these items floating around your kitchen or pantry? No??? Hmmmm......


Cindy said...

Well at least Roger knows what it is right! It looks a little suspicious to me as well!

Gary and Ellie said...

The plus in all those items is, Roger gets to cook them!!!!

Carolyn said...