1. Love
2. Sing
3. Enjoy the performing arts
4. Spell correctly
5. Speak Chinese
6. Give great massages
7. Cook great meals (pork roast)
7 things I can't do:
1. Play the guitar
2. Algebra
3. Ride a ripstick
4. Stop listening to Talk-Radio
5. Be unfaithful
6. Dance to Celtic music
7. Operate a PC like I want to
7 things that attracted me to Toni:
1. She knows what she wants out of life
2. She loves the performing arts
3. School Teacher (my area of interest too)
4. She plays the piano/organ the best
5. She makes me feel important
6. She lets me be myself
7. We share many common interests
7 things I say most often:
1. On to Glory! (to motorists speeding on past me)
2. Dinner's from the dumpster in the back of Wendys
3. You are not in charge
4. You're with me, I'm not with you
5. Touched you last!
6. You're in my bubble
7. Shoes...(nearest child, please take my shoes off)
7 celebrity admirations:
1. Mel Gibson (Braveheart's William Wallace)
2. Harrison Ford
3. Julie Andrews
4. Michael J. Fox
5. Kevin Costner
6. Ronald W. Reagan
7. Rush Limbaugh
7 favorite foods:
1. Cheesecake
2. Chinese food
3. Ice Cream
4. Ramen noodles
5. Moist and delicious pork roast
6. Crab legs
7. Soup and breadsticks
7 people to tag:
1. Ellie
2. Paul Farris
3. Lois
4. Dale Bradford
5. Gene McGaugh
6. Ruth Stringham
7. John Wilkins
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