Saturday, December 6, 2008

Saturday Haircuts...AKA: Bonnie's Got Mad Cosmotology Skills

Today, Eryn and I had Bonnie cut (and color for me) our hair. Bonnie went to High School with my little sister, Liz, and she (Bonnie) is the best beautician in the West!!! While we were there I thought Roger and Devin were "running errands." SUPRISE! They got hair cuts somewhere too. They're both a bit on the short side, but boys do super short much better than girls!!! It's just will always grow back, right?!
I don't know what I'm going to do while Bonnie takes 8 weeks off to spend with her new baby!!! I'm just going to try and hold out til she's back in business.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

There is a line of people who share the same fears - Sweet thoughts to Bonnie - thanks for sharing them -- AND the color is GREAT