Friday, January 1, 2010
Update #4
Monte grew an 87 pound pumpkin this year and carved it for his new apartment porch, the only was too big! He had to bring it back to mom and dad's and leave it on their front step for Halloween. What a rockstar pumpkin grower!

Update #3
November 29th was the first concert in the tabernacle after the Christmas lighting on Temple Square. Our choir was honored to be invited back and perform the opening Christmas concert of the 2009 season.
Sister-in-law, Ellie, heads into the Tabernacle for our dress rehearsal.
Ariel in yellow lei, my mom in the purple lei, and
Queen of all Slackers Has Returned

Update #1
-Camera is broken! It will get to be fixed (or replaced) if I'm to have any hope of all at keeping this New Year's Resolution.
-The 2nd annual Cousins Christmas Par-tay was held at the Wilkins' house again and another fun time was had by all! 
The cousins watched Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, ate pizza and drank rootbeer floats, slept over, had a yummy breakfast in the morning (compliments of Uncle Rog) then decorated ginger bread houses together...-everyone except James,
I guess he grew too cool for such things this year. :(
I wasn't going to do it again this year until Liz told me that they were walking through the store one day and Little Ben said, "Mom, we have to buy that right now for the cousins party this year!" He was pointing to a gingerbread house. Ho
w could I possibly ignore that?

Shelby saved the day by making 7 batches of frosting for all the house decorators!
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